Wednesday, September 19, 2007


My body is smarter than my brain and I had gotten out of the habit 0f listening to it,, but yesterday I could not ignore. (if you didn't read yesterday's blog do so now).

After being up for a f ew hours I collapsed. Crawled back to bed, couldn't drag myself anywhere, Immediately called Darlene and cancelled out on lunch. I spent the day sleeping on and off. Felt pretty normal by dinner time.

The message came thru pretty clearly. I do NOT want to be on that board. I do NOT want the label of disabled. I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam-I-Am!

So, today I will make the phone call and say no thank you. Oh, and I didn't make my Kiwanis peanut sales calls either and I am not going to.....I am retired, people!


cillic said...

Yay! It is Options loss, but really, I'm happy you are choosing yourself and your health. You ARE retired. Knowing you, you will ALWAYS be busy. You will always serve in a leadership roll. But no more boards... there are other ways to lead.

G4and2Cats said...

I'm also glad you decided not to do it. I'm a person who has a hard time saying "No" to things that give me the opportunity to serve and hopefully "improve" the situation by doing so, but eventually I was too busy and too tired and with a new baby, I realized I had to just say no. There will be others that can do the job - the world was not counting on me - a hard thing to come to grips with!

Patty said...

It's all about boundaries, ladies, boundaries! No is only a two letter word, but oh so hard to say. When I do, I feel in control, a good feeling all the way around.
I'm happy you said thanks but no thanks. Good for you.