Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Is there anything better than being back home after a long trip?

Our General Synod in Hartford was a new experience for me....9000 UCC'ers, almost half clergy, most on the same wave length I am with respect to theology and politics, brought to their feet by dynamite speakers like Bill Moyers and Barack Obama. You can't imagine the thrill of singing with that many people. Saw my first laser show..the inventor is UCC now in his ninties; got up on stage and they almost had to take the mike away from him. Lynn Redgrave spoke about her fight with breast cancer (her story is almost identical to mine) and how she became a member of UCC church while she was in treatment.

It was an exhausting experience, but worth it. It was the 50th anniversary of the UCC so I am sure it was a lot more fanfare than the usual meetings. Not sure I would want to do it again; as a visitor and lay person I felt "out of the circle"; it was good that my Florida buddy Carl was there too. By the way if you are interested in what Moyers and Obama had to say go to website...ucc.org...click on General Synod..click on significant speeches.

To be continued.......

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