Saturday, April 12, 2008

My funk

Why does the weather have such a hold on me? I am one of those people whose mood almost entirely depends on weather. Since I just left blue skies and 80 degrees and am now in upper thirties and drizzle, I am in a funk. I can't seem to get chores done, don't want to run errands, am eating junk food....behavior that is a far cry from my behavior in Florida.

I don't think people take me seriously when I say I want to spend much more of the year there, but if you had two homes and you felt good at one and lousy at the other...... I know I have to give spring and summer here a chance, but come on already!

And this place is crammed....there is too much stuff. I am going to make every effort to get rid of some of it. In fact, my goal is to have a garbage bag of stuff cleared out every day. And I'm going to take time to write every day. And I am going to exercise every day. And no more ice cream either. So there, bad Charlene!

Fantasies, all fantasies.


Patty said...

You go girl!
And who says you can't spend more months in Florida than in Illinois? Is there a residence police that I don't no about?!?

Heathen said...

The weather can really put me in a funk too. The worst for me is trying to get up in the morning. If it's dark, rainy, and/or gloomy, forget it. It's going to take me three times as long to get up and get going. I just don't have as much motivation when it's gloomy too. All I want to do is stay curled up in bed or ont he couch, reading a fun (non-school) book, and drinking tea.