Saturday, October 6, 2007

In Honor of A Birthday

When asked what I believe to be
my greatest task that could be praised,
I never hesitate or ponder:
without a doubt, the men I raised.

Grown men, no more my boys,
share so many traits I treasure.
Claiming a little of the credit
is one of my life pleasures.

So with a mother's pride
I will tell you what I see
when these handsome men
stop and visit with me.

So many traits they share:
they are thoughtful and kind
with a great sense of humor
that comes from a bright mind.

As husbands they appear to be
partners with love and loyalty.
Feminists both, no surprise,
treat their wives like royalty.

Patient and playful with kids,
still in touch with their game.
Erich's already a great dad;
soon Carl will prove the same.

Loving, smart, gentle men.
A mother's pride and joy.
Love each other always;
you'll always be my boys.


1 comment:

the Truth Hz said...

Thank you for that mom; it even rhymed! Well, if I want to take some credit for how my girls turn out, you certainly deserve some for the things I believe to be important. Therefore,you may, of course, take credit for helping create great granddaughters in yet another way.