Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Roller Coaster

I hate roller coasters; I hate it even more when it seems life imitates one. Between the economic crisis, the election, my leaving for Florida for half the year, my final hospital board meeting coming up, a dog whose allergies are keeping Me awake I feel like I'm bouncing back and forth emotionally. I know a big piece of it is my lack of sleep...I've been averaging about 5 hours a night..and that is specially hard on the PD.

It's all this negativity that has been keeping me from blogging; who wants to air their gripes and who wants to read this *&%#.

So, in the spirit of my usual advice to others, I am going to focus on the positive and list my gratitudes for the day; Keto has scratched less today/ I'm leaving for New York Wednesday (I know that's cheating but I've enjoyed the anticipation today)/I took a nap today which really helped/ the trees are starting to turn and it continues to be sunny and in the 70's/my blood sugar is staying down near 100!

I am really looking toward time to reflect and write when I am alone in Florida. I'm a little nervous about that too, but I am ready for a challenge and new experience.

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