Thursday, May 3, 2007

Growing old, Chapter 25

The latest medical adventure: spent the afternoon at the money machine known as O.A.K., the orthopedic practice here in town...about 12 doctors, their own x-ray, MRI etc. and so many patients that you are sure you are at a convention of crutch manufacturers. I was motivated to endure this by a "bad knee" that has been naughty big time for the last three weeks. Turns out to be a torn meniscus and I didn't even know I had one. I go back in a week for MRI; another week to see PA and then am allowed to make an appointment with the doctor (Smit) who would do the surgery that will improve said knee but cannot restore it to healthy youthful vigor.

It turns out that smoking speeds the destruction of these ligaments even though I quit smoking in 1980. It seems we continue to pay for our sins even when we have repented! As I find myself repeating too frequently growing old is not for sissies.....

1 comment:

Heathen said...

Yuck! I'm sorry to hear about your knee. Is there anything that can be done to help it mend faster, such as homemade banana bread?