Friday, October 31, 2008

great birthday

What makes a great birthday? A friend taking you out for lunch, a long visit on the phone with the younger son, a call from New York with the whole family singing and then a duet by those incredible singers, Amelia and Greta, a meeting of an organization that decided to sing that song again, surprise gifts from girlfriends, a phone call the day before from an old friend far away, phone calls from friends and a message from my California daughter-in-law when I got home. And I still get to look forward to dinner out with girlfriends Saturday night.

I love birthdays, no matter that the number gets higher!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

-9 days to take off

Can you tell I am focused on one thing only? I almost forgot that I have a birthday this week! As I get older they bring mixed messages. First, I am glad to have them ( I cannot believe I am that age), but they certainly reinforce how fast the time goes by. And how much of that time can be spent dealing with health issues.

Given the scary economy I feel like maybe supporting two homes is too much but then I remember what my PD doc just said. When I told her I was having some balance problems she said maybe we ought to up the dosage of Sinemet. And then she remembered I was spending the winter in Florida and said, " You won't need any increase...all my patients who spend winter in Florida are much healthier down there". Now if I could only charge it all to insurance!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Countdown -12

The countdown now is at -12; not the election, silly; departure for Florida! I have all these goals I've set for completion before I leave and lists and lists. Not doing too bad in that department.
I didn't realize how different it would be to prepare for spending 6 months instead of 3. And then there's all the "stuff" for the condo. At least it will be staying there and this process ought to get easier.

The ideal easier would be to keep a car down there, but I don't think I'm in that bracket yet! I am so tempted to start packing the car to see how much is going to make it, but I'm afraid I'll get in trouble with my brother, who takes great pride in his maximizing the space and what he can put into it. I think I'll leave it to him.

Now that I've committed to being there half the year I am eager to meet more people and establish a network of friends there. It won't be like here, but there have to be other single women in the same circumstances there; it's just a matter of finding them.

I have spent the last two weeks seeing all my doctors and getting prescriptions and appointments for next spring. I think I'll feel like that's a second home once I f ind a doctor I like down there.

I know I am hung up on this friend thing, but I know so many people here and feel supported by all those people that I am a little concerned about reaching a point where I feel that there when
Rich and Patty aren't there. I am so lucky to have them there for 3 months. I think they like it too.

I have already voted, so am trying to put election out of my mind. (And yes, Richard, I got some really great audiobooks for the ride.) When I am so invested in a candidate I get nervous for him or her. Besides the big one, we have some local contests that include friends and then in April a mayoral contest that is shaping up to be one that doesn't offer any really good choices.

I have had to fight my way out of leadership in some of my organizations; people wanting me to stay involved when I'm gone for 6 months of the year! Flattering, but not even tempting. Part of this change in my life is to start using my time differently. I really believe a person can hang on to leadership too long. It is definitely time for the next generation to take over when you've
reached my age.

So that's what I'm thinking and doing these days; it certainly hasn't been doing any writing, one o f the things I'm looking forward to in Naples. And the sun, and the warm breezes, and the slower pace, and the beach, and the time to read, the time to write and the sun!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

a letter from Josephine the plumber

I just want it on record that I am tired of both candidates saying the same things; enough already. Do we really believe that anyone is undecided after all this blather for almost two years.

I felt sorry for both of those guys. They looked worn out. How will the winner enjoy celebrating? He will fall in bed for at least two days. Somebody needs to start a movement now that would limit campaigns to 6 months. Surely the media can find all their dirt by then and certainly the voters will have seen plenty, at least enough to make a decision.

I am getting all this attention because we don't even want to look at those two right now, much less listen to them saying the same things. So here I am; a humble plumber now a media star. Only in America!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Is there anything more fun than anticipating and preparing for something you really love doing?
I swear half my pleasure with winter in Florida is the anticipation. And it is only a few weeks off now.

It was a joy to be with my NY family and they just booked their tickets to Florida for Dec. 27 thru Jan 3. Carl and Heather will be there I think Jan. 1 thru I have the best possible holiday gift to look forward to.

Then Rich and Patty will arrive for Jan thru March; we've discovered that we can live together and have a ball so I am one lucky woman.

It will be great to be so near Park and Shar this time also.
I probably shouldn't blog for a while because I've gotten nothing but Florida on the mind!

Friday, October 3, 2008

From the rainy Hudson Valley

The beautiful Hertz girls are sunnier than ever but the weather is cold and damp! No matter, tjhe sun is coming out this weekend.

Tricia and Amelia met me at the airport and nothing compares to that "Nana!" greeting. We then picked up Greta from daycare and I got to experience that high all over again. Erich is busy writintg something with a Friday deadline and Tricia and I have had some "girltalk" time so it has been a great visit so far.

Carl flew into LA yesterday to surprise his wife on her birthday so if you read her blog (auntieheathen) you'lll know that was a great success.

I'm looking forward to the big kids having the weekend off and all of us celebrating Erich's BIG birthday which actually falls on Monday.